年初一新春花車巡遊 迪士尼星夢光影慶龍年


停辦多年既「新春國際匯演之夜」今年大年初一復辦,香港迪士尼樂園今年將會繼續參與,花車名為「星夢光影慶龍年」,以「星夢光影之旅」為主題,伴隨主題曲 Love the Memory,花車車身上會有LED燈營造出煙花綻放嘅效果,米奇與好友亦將會以新年新裝亮相,木須亦會現身!

After years of hiatus, the “Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade” will be held again this year, and Hong Kong Disneyland will continue to participate. The float this year is named “Momentous Year of the Dragon Celebration” and is themed around the park’s iconic nighttime spectacular “Momentous”. Mickey and his pals will appear on the float in brand new Lunar New Year outfits along with Mushu the Dragon!

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