魔雪奇緣世界 | World of Frozen

小白慶典蛋糕 食譜大公開 | Olaf Celebration Cupcake recipe Revealed

於「魔雪奇緣世界」售賣嘅小白慶典蛋糕,原來係採用咗來自香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁Michael Moriarty嘅胡蘿蔔乾果蛋糕食譜製作。樂園仲公開咗呢個食譜比大家參考。 The popular Olaf Celebration Cupcake at the World of Frozen is prepared based on an original recipe from Michael Moriarty, the Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. The park also shared this special recipe for everyone to recreate the taste in the comfort of their homes!

魔雪奇緣世界開幕首日 | First Day of World of Frzoen

「魔雪奇緣世界」大門正式於今日(11月20日)上午11點半打開,樂園於園區舉行開幕典禮。 The gates are finally open at “World of Frozen”! 開幕典禮完結後,阿德爾王國正式迎接首批賓客! The Kingdom of Arendelle welcomes the first guests! 「魔雪奇緣世界」開幕首日「魔雪奇幻之旅」及「雪嶺滑雪橇」嘅等候時間,而園區會根據人流狀況而進行人流管制,或需要分批進入園區。 而於開幕當日,兩屆親善大使同時現身歡迎首批賓客。 The ambassador duos of 2022-2023 and 2024-2025 jointly welcomed the first group of guests. 另外,樂園官方手機應用程式亦更新咗「魔雪奇緣世界」開場動畫。

「魔雪奇緣世界」大型宣傳進佔香港各地 | Large-Scale Promotion of World of Frozen Continues to Emerge in the City

更多「魔雪奇緣世界」大型宣傳陸續出現市區。港鐵金鐘站嘅大型玻璃天窗於11月15日變身為巨型小白,站內嘅扶手電梯亦充滿Snowgies嘅身影! Even more “World of Frozen” large-scale publicities have appeared in the city of Hong Kong.The huge glass skylight at the Admiralty Station has been transformed into a giant Olaf today, and the escalators are also filled with Snowgies! 而於11月19日,港鐵香港站嘅行人隧道變成阿德爾全景隧道,走過自動行人道就可以感受到阿德爾日夜嘅景色,仲有小白(Olaf)同斯特(Sven)偶爾會於LED螢幕出現。 The pedestrian tunnel at Hong Kong Station has been transformed into a panoramic tunnel of …

「魔雪奇緣世界」大型宣傳進佔香港各地 | Large-Scale Promotion of World of Frozen Continues to Emerge in the City Read More »

魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典 | A Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen

「魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典」於11月16日傍晚6時舉行,樂園官方亦於社交平台進行網上直播。 “A Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen” begun at 6pm HKT on 16 November. Live stream was held from the HKDL’s official channels. 「魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典」雲集多位重量級人物為「魔雪奇緣世界」揭幕,包括華特迪士尼公司執行長Bob Iger,迪士尼樂園、體驗及消費品主席Josh D’amaro及「魔雪奇緣」系列導演Jennifer Lee。 慶典由阿德爾皇家歌詠團展開序幕,現場演唱「魔雪奇緣」系列嘅多首歌曲。香港迪士尼樂園現任親善大使Lily及Tony致詞後,安娜、愛莎及小白亦於水上舞台現身,園區於煙火效果襯托下正式揭幕。 而愛莎亦於當晚喺阿德爾夜空施展「夏雪節的喜悅時刻」嘅魔法。 A little magic from Elsa, sprinkling the sky above Arendelle that night. 完整表演 Full Performance:

迪士尼綫車廂首次變身 迎接魔雪奇緣世界 | Disneyland Resort Line Train Adding Frozen Magic For the First Time in Forever

接近開幕日,繼續有更多「魔雪奇緣世界」大型宣傳出現,港鐵迪士尼綫列車於11月16日首次加入主題,增添冰雪魔法。 車廂內部加上各個魔雪奇緣世界嘅地標,米奇形車窗仲有好多Snowgies! As the grand opening of “World of Frozen” approaches, more promotions continue to launch. The Disneyland Resort Line train is decorated today for the first time in forever, adding a touch of Frozen magic. The interior of the train is decorated with various landmarks of Arendelle, the Mickey-shaped windows are also filled with …

迪士尼綫車廂首次變身 迎接魔雪奇緣世界 | Disneyland Resort Line Train Adding Frozen Magic For the First Time in Forever Read More »