遊樂設施 | Attractions

D23公佈香港迪士尼全新Marvel主題延伸區域及遊樂設施 | New Marvel Expansion at HKDL Announced during D23

Marvel超級英雄宇宙故事將於香港迪士尼樂園度假區進一步延續。於D23迪士尼全球粉絲大會(D23: The Ultimate Fan Event)中發佈香港迪士尼樂園Marvel主題延伸區域嘅最新消息。根據最新概念圖,可見2016年所公佈嘅Marvel計畫有重大變更,相信會使用類似驚魂古塔(Tower of Terror)嘅遊樂設施系統。 D23: The Ultimate Fan Event revealed the latest updates on the Marvel expansion at Hong Kong Disneyland. According to the latest concept art, significant changes have been made to the plans announced in 2016, the attraction seems to have a ride system similar to the Tower of Terror. …

D23公佈香港迪士尼全新Marvel主題延伸區域及遊樂設施 | New Marvel Expansion at HKDL Announced during D23 Read More »

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會(S.E.A.)」嘅故事線。大家熟悉嘅探險家爬上樹幹被野生動物圍困一幕,更新後加入新角色,變成一班參與森林探險團嘅科學家。 The New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) storyline has been added to the HKDL’s version of Jungle River Cruise. New characters – a group of scientists participating in a forest expedition – have been added to the iconic Trapped Safari scene. 而樂園亦公開4位國際科學家及1位船長嚮導嘅人物設定及詳情,呢班科學家受過高等教育兼經驗豐富,背景文化各有不同,來自唔同嘅國家及科學領域。佢哋嘅職業分別係:鳥類學家、人類學家、植物學家及地質學家。而最底嘅就係船長嚮導。當中地質學家係來自香港嘅新角色-石磊碩博士。 HKDL also revealed details on the new characters, including an ornithologist, …

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise Read More »

全新城堡燈光及夜間匯演測試 | MOMENTOUS: Nighttime Spectacular Testing

奇妙夢想城堡於2020年11月21日正式開放。全新城堡夜間匯演「星夢光影之旅」會於下年初上演,而樂園早前就為夜間匯演進行各項測試。 The Castle of Magical Dreams is officially opening on 21 Nov 2020. The new nighttime spectacular called Cherish the Memories, will be launched in early 2021, and HKDL previously carried out tests for the spectacular. 城堡投影測試 | Projection Mapping Tests 更新 Updates: 2 Apr 2021 「奇妙夢想城堡故事展」入面首次披露咗「星夢光影之旅」多個場景嘅投影概念。而展覽入面曝光嘅場景,喺去年測試期間都有出現過。我哋今日大家對比一吓,睇睇呢幾個已曝光嘅場景喺實際投影測試嘅時候,效果究竟係點樣。 「小熊維尼」蜜糖主題嘅一幕完全能夠顯示奇妙夢想城堡投影嘅質素之高。全新投影系統嘅光亮度同清晰程度都比樂園舊有嘅投影表演有顯著改善。喺城堡主樓頂部可以睇到蜜蜂巢嘅花紋好似融入咗城堡,完全遮蓋城堡上面本來嘅顏色同花紋。旁邊蜜糖滴溜嘅效果亦非常突出,冇因為城堡結構影響畫面。 In “Building a Dream: The Magic Behind a …

全新城堡燈光及夜間匯演測試 | MOMENTOUS: Nighttime Spectacular Testing Read More »

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2020 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2020

更新 Updates: 18 Nov 2020 白雪公主許願洞旁的許願井亦配合奇妙夢想城堡油上新色系。 The wishing well has also been repainted to match with the new castle colour scheme. 更新 Updates: 11 Nov 2020 奇妙夢想城堡嘅柱上面分別刻有各個公主故事主題嘅雕塑,同大家睇吓代表花木蘭以及勇敢傳說嘅柱。 Carvings inspired by different princess stories on the pillars of the back side of Castle of Magical Dreams. Take a look of the carvings of Mulan and Brave. 新城堡區內的樹木及燈柱今日首次亮起燈光。 Trees …

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2020 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2020 Read More »

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2019 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2019

更新 Updates: 31 Dec 2019 更多城堡塔樓嘅磚塊已經安裝好。 New tiles of the castle can be seen now. 更新 Updates: 29 Dec 2019 「奇妙夢想城堡」嘅最新狀況。 Latest progress of “Castle of Magical Dreams”. 更新 Updates: 22 Dec 2019 更多城堡結構已完成上色,慕安娜嘅塔頂已經安裝好。 More plantings appeared on the castle, and the dome of Moana’s Tower is being installed. 更新 Updates: 15 Dec 2019 艾利奧以及睡公主嘅塔頂已經安裝好。 The domes of Ariel’s …

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2019 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2019 Read More »

「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」2019年3月28日隆重開幕 | “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” Grand Opening on 28th March 2019

Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle! is the world’s first “Ant-Man and The Wasp” attraction and the Park’s second Marvel attraction. It is located inside the Marvel themed area in Tomorrowland. On 28 March 2019, Paul Rudd, Kevin Feige, Peyton Reed and Jessica Hsuan (HK actress, who plays the HK Marvel character for the ride) …

「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」2019年3月28日隆重開幕 | “Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!” Grand Opening on 28th March 2019 Read More »

「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」工程 | Construction of Ant-man and The Wasp: Nano Battle!

更新 Updates: 26 Nov 2018 Demolition of hoarding has begun. S.H.I.E.L.D. logo is lighted up. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Nano Battle! opens in March 2019. 更新 Updates: 7 Nov 2018 更新 Updates: 27 Oct 2018 更新 Updates: 11 Oct 2018 更新 Updates: 29 Sep 2018 更新 Updates: 20 Sep 2018 更新 Updates: 12 Sep 2018 …

「蟻俠與黃蜂女:擊戰特攻!」工程 | Construction of Ant-man and The Wasp: Nano Battle! Read More »

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2018 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2018

更新 Updates: 31 Dec 2018 更新 Updates: 26 Dec 2018 更新 Updates: 23 Dec 2018 城堡背後繼續有新結構出現。 New structures can be seen at the back of the castle. 更新 Updates: 14 Dec 2018 開始興建城堡右方嘅控制室。 The construction of second control room has begun. 更新 Updates: 12 Dec 2018 城堡左方控制室嘅最新進度。 Latest progress of control room at the left side of the castle. 更新 …

奇妙夢想城堡工程 2018 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2018 Read More »