「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會(S.E.A.)」嘅故事線。大家熟悉嘅探險家爬上樹幹被野生動物圍困一幕,更新後加入新角色,變成一班參與森林探險團嘅科學家。 The New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) storyline has been added to the HKDL’s version of Jungle River Cruise. New characters – a group of scientists participating in a forest expedition – have been added to the iconic Trapped Safari scene. 而樂園亦公開4位國際科學家及1位船長嚮導嘅人物設定及詳情,呢班科學家受過高等教育兼經驗豐富,背景文化各有不同,來自唔同嘅國家及科學領域。佢哋嘅職業分別係:鳥類學家、人類學家、植物學家及地質學家。而最底嘅就係船長嚮導。當中地質學家係來自香港嘅新角色-石磊碩博士。 HKDL also revealed details on the new characters, including an ornithologist, …

「森林河流之旅」加入全新「探險家・冒險家學會」故事線 | New Society of Explorers and Adventurer (S.E.A) Storyline Added to Jungle River Cruise Read More »