魔雪奇幻之旅彩蛋 | Easter Eggs at Frozen Ever After


「魔雪奇幻之旅」排隊區入面嘅一張運冰匠送貨名單上面就有出現咗一啲既熟悉但又帶有北歐風格嘅名字,包括M. Den Dulken(對應華特迪士尼幻想工程執行創意總監鄧杜文Michel Den Dulk)及C. Amandahl(對應華特迪士尼幻想工程(亞洲)高級監製焦雅欣Amanda Chiu)。

An interesting easter egg can be found at the queue area of “Frozen Ever After”, where the names of the Imagineers (with a Scandinavian twist) can be seen on Kristoff’s Record of Deliveries.

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