小白慶典蛋糕 食譜大公開 | Olaf Celebration Cupcake recipe Revealed

於「魔雪奇緣世界」售賣嘅小白慶典蛋糕,原來係採用咗來自香港迪士尼樂園度假區行政總裁Michael Moriarty嘅胡蘿蔔乾果蛋糕食譜製作。樂園仲公開咗呢個食譜比大家參考。

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The popular Olaf Celebration Cupcake at the World of Frozen is prepared based on an original recipe from Michael Moriarty, the Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

The park also shared this special recipe for everyone to recreate the taste in the comfort of their homes!

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