「香港迪士尼樂園美食禮品廊」登陸銅鑼灣時代廣場 | HKDL launches new pop-up store in Times Square


Get a taste of the magic of Hong Kong Disneyland in this brand new pop-up store at Times Square from 7th May to 4th July.

除了售賣超過300件香港迪士尼精選禮品,美食禮品廊亦發售多款可愛精緻的香港迪士尼獨有美食及「皇室佳釀美食節」的特選得獎菜式或分子料理甜品,當中包括薯蛋頭先生造型的 「番薯糖水慕絲蛋糕」及 時代廣場限定的「栗子朱古力撻」。 由度假區酒店獲獎大廚親手主理的「家倍滋味」真空美食包亦可以在時代廣場找到!

Apart from selling more than 300 park merch items, the pop-up store also offers a wide range of HKDL-exclusive treats. Including selected dishes from “The Royal Food and Drink Fair”, Mr. Potato Head shaped “Sweet Potato and Ginger Mousse Cake” and Times Square exclusive “Chestnut and Chocolate Tart”.


Guests can also purchase tokens for “The Royal Food and Drink Fair” at the pop-up store and receive a Donald Duck pin, a headband or a Disney Sip Sip Cup upon token purchase of HK$800 or above.




逢星期六及日及公眾假期HK$2,000- HK$7,999香港迪士尼樂園涼浸浸補水噴霧器/噴水風扇乙支5或9樓Happy Rewards換領專櫃




  • Tsum Tsum毛公仔訂製花束
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資料: 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

1 thought on “「香港迪士尼樂園美食禮品廊」登陸銅鑼灣時代廣場 | HKDL launches new pop-up store in Times Square”

  1. Pingback: 香港迪士尼母親節為媽媽打造「食買享」之旅 – HKDL Fantasy

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