奇妙夢想城堡工程 2020 | Construction of Castle of Magical Dreams 2020

更新 Updates: 18 Nov 2020


The wishing well has also been repainted to match with the new castle colour scheme.

更新 Updates: 11 Nov 2020


Carvings inspired by different princess stories on the pillars of the back side of Castle of Magical Dreams. Take a look of the carvings of Mulan and Brave.


Trees and lampposts in the Castle viewing area lit up tonight for the first time.

更新 Updates: 9 Nov 2020


Fences surrounding the castle control rooms have been removed, the entire exterior of the two control rooms has thus been unveiled. Both control rooms are decorated with plants, with vines growing on the walls.

更新 Updates: 4 Nov 2020


Scaffolding near Frozen tower and its neighboring wooden facade has been removed.


Starry ceiling inside the castle.

更新 Updates: 2 Nov 2020


Construction for Castle of Magical Dreams has almost finished, except for final touches still being added to the Frozen tower and its neighbouring wooden facade. Arches on the left side of the castle have been painted brown.

更新 Updates: 1 Nov 2020


Castle of Magical Dreams is opening on 21st Nov 2020!

官方影片 Official Video:


Refurbishment of the clock tower outside Storybook Shoppe has completed.

更新 Updates: 28 Oct 2020


Almost the entire scaffolding at the back of the Castle has been removed. Wall carvings on the balconies have also been painted.


More details on the back of the castle: new pattern is added to the bottom of Jasmine’s tower. Major progress is made to the wooden facade next to Frozen’s tower.


The interior of the Castle is still under construction. Ceiling embedded with fiber optics and chandelier can be vaguely seen. Also, the refurbishment of the clock tower outside Storybook Shoppe is near completion.

更新 Updates: 23 Oct 2020


Painting has almost finished for the back of the castle while scaffolding is gradually being removed. More details can be found on different turrets.


First glance of Jasmine’s tower.


Gold stripes on Rapunzel’s turret.


Gold Pattern on Belle’s turret.

更新 Updates: 21 Oct 2020


Painting has finished for the left hand side of the back of the castle. Jasmine’s turret has also been unveiled.

更新 Updates: 17 Oct 2020


Final touches have been added to the turret of Pocahontas, Flit’s finial has also been unveiled.


New building facade has been added to conceal the new projectors on top of the roofs of Main Street USA.

更新 Updates: 12 Oct 2020


Scaffoldings have been tied up for an approaching typhoon, paint job at the back of the Castle has made good progress.


More details are being added to the turrets of Belle and Pocahontas. More of Abu’s finial can also be seen.

更新 Updates: 8 Oct 2020


Painting continues on the lower part of the back of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 5 Oct 2020


Paint job in progress on the backside of Castle of Magical Dreams, part of Jasmine’s turret and Abu’s finial can also be vaguely seen.

更新 Updates: 30 Sep 2020

The showtime board for the new castle stage is spotted at the viewing area. In the same fashion as the stained glass window & the relief wall decoration on the castle, the board also features flower motifs that are inspired by 13 Disney Princess stories.

更新 Updates: 28 Sep 2020


While the castle viewing area is not yet accessible to the public, it can be seen from outside.


A tiny castle silhouette cutout can be seen above the control room, appears to be limiting the range of projection.

更新 Updates: 25 Sep 2020


Hong Kong Disneyland has opened its doors again. The front of Castle of Magical Dreams is near completion. Hoardings around the castle have been taken down, but the area is still separated by plants instead.


First look of the stained glass window of Castle of Magical Dreams’ back side, representing 13 princesses and heroines.


Good progress has been made for the castle control rooms.


Turrets and spires representing Rapunzel, Belle and Elsa & Anna can now be seen as scaffoldings have been removed.

更新 Updates: 7 Jul 2020


The snowflake decorations for Frozen’s turret are being installed.


New projector boxes for the castle projection mapping have been installed on the rooftop of Main Street’s building.

更新 Updates: 2 Jul 2020


The refurbishment of the clock tower behind Castle of Magical Dreams has started.

更新 Updates: 18 Jun 2020


The park reopened today, here is the Castle of Magical Dreams.


New hoarding for Castle of Magical Dreams.


Control rooms for Castle of Magical Dreams are taking shape.

更新 Updates: 2 Jun 2020


The Merida’s spire has been installed onto the Castle.

更新 Updates: 13 May 2020


Latest progress of different turrets of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 30 Apr 2020


The finials of Ariel and Aurora are near completion.

更新 Updates: 15 Apr 2020


Top of the conservatory of Castle of Magical Dreams can be seen, and the Ariel’s dome has been painted.

更新 Updates: 10 Apr 2020


The Mushu Finial was lifting onto the castle.


Some structures have been pained.

更新 Updates: 3 Mar 2020


Latest progress of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 22 Feb 2020


The park is temporarily closed due to COVID-19 but the construction of Castle of Magical Dreams is still undergoing.

更新 Updates: 24 Jan 2020


Latest progress of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 19 Jan 2020


Latest progress of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 17 Jan 2020


Castle tiles were lifted up for installation.

更新 Updates: 11 Jan 2020


New tiles of the castle can be seen now, and more trees appeared on the castle.

更新 Updates: 5 Jan 2020


Latest progress of Castle of Magical Dreams.

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