魔雪奇緣世界工程 2020 | Construction of World of Frozen 2020


“World of Frozen” is an upcoming themed area in Hong Kong Disneyland based on the film Frozen.

更新 Updates: 9 Nov 2020


A cylindrical structure resembling the shape of a lighthouse has recently appeared at the construction site of “World of Frozen”. Despite being absent from the HKDL version of concept art, a similar shaped lighthouse can be found in the renderings of the Paris version. Indicating both versions may share a certain degree of similarity.

更新 Updates: 9 Oct 2020


Latest progress of World of Frozen.

更新 Updates: 5 Oct 2020


Mountain range behind Arendelle Castle is taking shape, the current steel structure is already visible from Fantasyland.

更新 Updates: 28 Sep 2020


Latest progress of World of Frozen.

更新 Updates: 25 Sep 2020


Steel building structure of mountain range spotted.

更新 Updates: 2 Jul 2020


The construction progress of Arendelle Village.

更新 Updates: 25 Jun 2020


Latest progress of World of Frozen.

更新 Updates: 18 Jun 2020


Arendelle Village is now visible from “it’s a small world”.


The coaster tracks of “Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs” are now visible from Fantasyland.


New hoarding is up next to “it’s a small world”.

更新 Updates: 16 Jun 2020


The ride vehicles of “Frozen Ever After” were spotted at the Resort.

更新 Updates: 2 Jun 2020


The coaster tracks of “Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs” were spotted at the Resort.

更新 Updates: 2 Feb 2020


The construction of “World of Frozen” is still undergoing when the Park is temporarily closed due to COVID-19.

更新 Updates: 19 Jan 2020


Arendelle’s mountain structures were spotted at the Resort.

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