魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典 | A Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen


“A Spectacular Celebration of World of Frozen” begun at 6pm HKT on 16 November. Live stream was held from the HKDL’s official channels.

「魔雪奇緣世界盛大慶典」雲集多位重量級人物為「魔雪奇緣世界」揭幕,包括華特迪士尼公司執行長Bob Iger,迪士尼樂園、體驗及消費品主席Josh D’amaro及「魔雪奇緣」系列導演Jennifer Lee。



A little magic from Elsa, sprinkling the sky above Arendelle that night.

完整表演 Full Performance:

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