夢想花園中式涼亭 翻新完畢換上新色系
夢想花園嘅「中式涼亭」已經翻新完畢並換上新色系。 涼亭本來嘅細節都有明顯改動,「木須」角架裝飾於今次翻新移除,而天花嘅燈籠亦覆蓋原有嘅花紋,似乎想淡化花木蘭嘅元素。 The pagoda gazebo in the Fantasy Gardens has been renovated and has received a new colour scheme. The original details of the gazebo have undergone some changes. The Mushu-shaped decorative brackets have been removed, and patterns on the ceiling lantern have been covered with blue paint, seemingly toning down the presence of “Mulan”.