巨型小白現身中環海旁 開展亞洲巡迴之旅 | Olaf Appears at Central Harbourfront
小白以阿德爾親善大使嘅身份,即日起至11月15日都會現身中環香港摩天輪旁享受陽光,邀請大家11月20日一齊遊覽阿德爾王國!而小白亦會喺亞洲唔同城市展開亞洲巡迴之旅。 As an Ambassador of Arendelle, Olaf will be appearing near the Hong Kong Observation Wheel at Central Harbourfront from now until November 15th, enjoying the sunshine and inviting everyone to visit the Kingdom of Arendelle on November 20th. Olaf will also embark on an Asian tour, visiting different cities in Asia.