魔雪奇緣世界工程 2020 | Construction of World of Frozen 2020

「魔雪奇緣世界」由電影「魔雪奇緣」作為藍本之新園區。 “World of Frozen” is an upcoming themed area in Hong Kong Disneyland based on the film Frozen. 更新 Updates: 9 Nov 2020 最近喺小小世界望向魔雪奇緣園區可以見到一座圓柱形,疑似燈塔嘅結構。雖然喺香港迪士尼樂園發佈過嘅概念圖從來都未曾見過有燈塔嘅身影,但係喺巴黎園區嘅概念圖上就可以見到有一座形狀相似嘅燈塔。香港同巴黎嘅魔雪奇緣園區或者都會有唔少嘅共通之處。 A cylindrical structure resembling the shape of a lighthouse has recently appeared at the construction site of “World of Frozen”. Despite being absent from the HKDL version of concept art, a similar …

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