全新城堡燈光及夜間匯演測試 | MOMENTOUS: Nighttime Spectacular Testing


The Castle of Magical Dreams is officially opening on 21 Nov 2020. The new nighttime spectacular called Cherish the Memories, will be launched in early 2021, and HKDL previously carried out tests for the spectacular.

城堡投影測試 | Projection Mapping Tests

更新 Updates: 2 Apr 2021



In “Building a Dream: The Magic Behind a Disney Castle” exhibition, concept renderings of a number of scenes from “Cherish the Memories” have been revealed.

Today we present you side-by-side comparisons of these concept renderings to exclusive images of projection mapping testings from last year, so that you can get an idea of the quality of the actual projection.

The hunny-filled scene of “Winnie the Pooh” is one of the scenes that can fully demonstrate the high quality of projection mapping of Castle of Magical Dreams. The clarity and brightness of projection have drastically improved from “Disney in the Stars”.

The details on the main tower of the castle, such as the bee hive pattern, blend in perfectly with the castle. The dripping honey and the word “HUNNY” also stand out despite the complex structure of the castle.

更新 Updates: 22 Sep 2020


Projection testings continue at HKDL, after serval calibration attempts, testings for the projection mapping footage from the new nighttime spectacular have also begun. However, due to the huge amount of spoilers in the projection imagery, only the photos of the calibration tests are shared this time.

更新 Updates: 12 Sep 2020


Projection mapping test on Castle of Magical Dreams.


Castle windows are equipped with retractable white screens for projection mapping.

噴泉測試 | Fountain Tests

更新 Updates: 9 Oct 2020


First close look at the fountains of Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 27 Sep 2020


The fountain of Castle of Magical Dreams appears to be even more powerful than the previous testings, with water astoundingly reaching to almost the top of the castle.

更新 Updates: 16 Sep 2020


The park has also started testing the fountain system of Castle of Magical Dreams. The fountain system appears to be capable of shooting water considerably high, as water fountains can be seen outside of the park entrance.

射燈測試 | Spotlight Tests

更新 Updates: 28 Oct 2020

更新 Updates: 22 Oct 2020


Testings in progress for colour-changing spotlights.

更新 Updates: 20 Oct 2020


The high density of spotlights has made it almost impossible to tell the number of spotlights.

更新 Updates: 9 Oct 2020


Recent spotlights testings reveal the capability of colour changing.

更新 Updates: 15 Sep 2020


Spotlights testing over Castle of Magical Dreams.

煙花測試 | Firework Tests

更新 Updates: 29 Aug 2020


Pyros and fireworks tests have begun for the upcoming nighttime spectacular. Check out the new Nighttime Spectacular pyros test video.

鐳射投影測試 | Laser Projection Mapping Tests

更新 Updates: 19 Oct 2020


Laser projection is being tested for the new nighttime spectacular. Laser projection is widely used for nighttime spectaculars in other Disney Parks, to project bright and simple graphics onto the castle, and enhance the overall visual effect along with the video projection.

城堡燈光測試 | Castle Lighting Tests

更新 Updates: 13 Nov 2020


More castle lighting tests underway for Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 28 Oct 2020


The windows of Castle of Magical Dreams are illuminated for testing.

更新 Updates: 16 Sep 2020


More lighting tests underway for Castle of Magical Dreams.

更新 Updates: 8 Sep 2020


Windows lighting tests on the castle has also begun.

更新 Updates: 24 Mar 2020


For the first time in forever, the windows of Castle of Magic Dreams have lighted up.

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